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SeriesPart No.DecriptionInputOutputCustomizableAvailabilityDatasheet
6-channel Digital to Synchro/Resolver Converter CardBBG-520The BBG-520 IBM compatible PC card provides six channels of digital to synchro/resolver outputs with onboard error registers. The card provides 12 bits of digital I/O useful for data logging or digital inputs.Synchro, Resolver, DigitalSynchro, Resolver, DigitalYesPDF_button
Bulkhead Mount, or Rack Mount, Serial to Synchro/Resolver InterfaceBBG-550/550DThe BBG-550 converts angular information from a serial channel input into two Synchro/ Resolver outputs. Unit is housed in NMEA TYPE 12/13 bulkhead mount enclosure, or 19 inch rack mount enclosure.RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485, MIL-STD-188CSynchro/Resolver (2), RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485, MIL-STD-188CYesPDF_button
Digital to Synchro/Resolver and Serial "Smart" Converter Card BBG-1014aThe BBG-1014a IBM compatible PC card converts 14 bit BCD inputs (Speed) into a synchro/ resolver format and a serial data format. On-board processor allows stand alone operation.DigitalSynchro/Resolver, RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485, MIL-STD-188CYesPDF_button
3-Axis Synchro/Resolver to Serial "Smart" Converter CardBBG-1108bThe BBG-1108b IBM compatible PC card converts three channels of synchro/resolver inputs into four serial NMEA-0183 compatible outputs (Roll, Pitch, Heading). Onboard processor allows stand alone operation.3-axis Synchro/Resolver
Four NMEA 0183; RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485, MIL-STD-188CYesPDF_button
Synchro Conversion Engine Converter CardBBG-2000The BBG-2000 is a small and compact way of converting Synchro data. The unit is configurable as a D/S or S/D. The unit supports RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485 and MIL-STD-188C interfaces. The unit can drive an LCD display. The custom messages and functionality is available upon request.Synchro/Resolver, Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C; Step, Digital, Analog
Synchro/Resolver, Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C; Step, Digital, Analog
Synchro Conversion Engine ConverterBBG-2000E/OThe BBG-2000 is a small and compact way of converting Synchro data. The unit is configurable as a D/S or S/D. The unit supports RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485 and MIL-STD-188C interfaces. The unit can drive an LCD display. The custom messages and functionality is available upon request.Synchro/Resolver, Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C; Step, Digital, Analog
Synchro/Resolver, Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C; Step, Digital, Analog
Universal Conversion EngineBBG-2003The Universal Conversion Engine is a stand-alone unit, which provides data format conversion of digital, analog, serial, step, synchro, and resolver signals.Synchro/Resolver, Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C; Step, Digital, Analog
Synchro/Resolver, Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C; Step, Digital, Analog
USB Universal Conversion EngineBBG-3000The BBG-3000 USB Universal Conversion Engine is a stand-alone module, which provides data format conversion of analog, synchro, and resolver signals to a USB connection.Synchro/Resolver, AnalogUSB, AnalogYesPDF_button
Data Acquisition SystemBBG-7000The Data Acquisition System (DAS) is a stand-alone system, which provides data format conversion of digital, analog, serial, synchro, and resolver signals.Synchro/Resolver, Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C; Step, Digital, Analog
Synchro/Resolver, Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C; Step, Digital, Analog
Analog Synchro Navigation Sources to Digital OutputBBG-ASNSDOThe Analog Synchro Navigation Sources to Digital Output (ASNSDO) is a rackmount system that provides data format conversion of analog sensor data into Navigation Sensor System Interface (NAVSSI) digital data.Synchro - Heading, Speed, Roll, PitchNAVSSI EthernetYesPDF_button
Analog/Serial to 2-Channel Synchro/Resolver "Smart" Converter CardBBG-DSC2The BBG-DSC2 IBM compatible PC card converts angular information from two analog signal inputs or one serial channel input into two synchro/resolver outputs. Onboard processor allows stand alone operation.Serial, RS-232/422/423/485 or MIL-STD-
188C, Analog
Serial, Analog (2), Synchro (2)YesPDF_button
Serial to Synchro ConverterBBG-RSSSThe Redundant Serial to Synchro System (RSSS) is a stand-alone system, which provides conversion of serial signals into high power synchro signals.Serial, ReferenceSynhro/Resolver(4), Status RelayYesPDF_button
Serial to Synchro/Resolver Booster AmplifiersBBG-SBA2The Synchro Booster Amplifier (SBA) is a stand-alone system, which provides amplification of synchro signals. The SBA series of amplifiers are designed to be conduction cooled by mounting directly to the chassis.Synchro/ResolverSynchro/ResolverYesPDF_button
Serial to Synchro/Resolver Booster AmplifiersBBG-SSBAThe BBG-SSBA converts angular information from a serial channel input into a 25 VA or 125 VA synchro output. The 6U VMEBus format contains an onboard processor for standalone operation. The BBG-SSBA products are based on a 6U VMEbus format PC card which only takes power from the VMEbus. The BBG-SSBA standard message format uses the NMEA 0183 message structures and supports RS-232, RS-422 and most other serial standards.Synchro/Resolver, SerialSynchro/Resolver, SerialYesPDF_button
Synchro Signal Conversion SystemBBG-SSCSThe Synchro Signal Conversion System (SSCS) is a stand-alone system, which provides amplification of low power synchro signals into 125VA synchro signals.Reference, Synchro/Resolver (2)Synchro/Resolver (2)YesPDF_button
SeriesPart No.DecriptionInputOutputCustomizableAvailabilityDatasheet