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Digital to Synchro/Resolver & Serial Converter


  • IBM PC Compatible
  • Digital Input, Synchro/Resolver and Serial Outputs
  • NMEA-0183 Compatible Outputs
  • RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485, MIL-STD-188C Protocols
  • Stand-alone Mode with Additional +5V Power Supply
  • Custom Implementations Available Upon Request

If you need more information, click on the image below for the data sheet.


The BBG-1014a is a PCbus compatible card which interfaces to any slot of an IBM PC or clone. This board supports standard 16 bit BCD input (speed log) and converts it into a synchro/resolver format and a serial data format.The synchro format output is a standard 5 wire (S1,S2,S3,RL, and RH) at 90V LL or 11.8V LL. Resolver output is a standard 6 wire (Sin, Sin Return, Cos, Cos Return, RH, and RL) at 6.8Vrms. Standard reference inputs of 60 Hz and 400 Hz are supported with custom voltages and frequencies available upon request.

The serial data output uses the NMEA 0183 message structures and supports RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485, and MIL-STD-188C protocols.

The BBG-1014a is a “SMART” interface due to the onboard processor which communicates with the PCbus through shared memory, thus, requiring minimum PC processor time. DC power is supplied by the PCbus and Synchro/Resolver outputs are powered by the ac reference voltage. Therefore, no external power supplies are required.In situations not requiring a PC interface, the BBG-1014a operates in a “STAND-ALONE” mode. With the addition of an external +5 volt power supply, the onboard processor converts the BCD inputs into synchro/resolver and serial data formats without the requirement of a PCbus.

Reference inputs, synchro/resolver outputs, and serial outputs are available on a 50 pin male (DB50P) connector.


Technical Specification
Power Input5Volts
Temperature Range
Operating Temperature0 to +50°C
Storage Temperature-65 to +150°C
Physical Characteristics
Full Size IBM PC Card4.5 x 13.5 x 0.6Inches
11.4 x 34.3 x 1.5Centimeters

Card Layout:

More Information:

The DS-1014a is a full-size IBM PC card which inputs a 14-bit BCD value representing a speed or angular position. This information is processed by the onboard microcontroller and output in three different data formats. A NMEA-0183 serial data format updated at a rate of once per second is transmitted over both RS-232 and RS-422 interfaces. A factory configurable synchro or resolver output representing speed or angular position is output continuously at a user defined voltage and frequency. A binary angle measurement format (BAM) number as shown in Table 2 (on the data sheet), is passed through dual port memory to the PCbus on demand from the host computer.The DS-1014a can, also, be used without a computer in a stand alone mode. An onboard microcontroller configures the card from power up or reset and provides all signals and control to read the BCD information and output the synchro/resolver information and the NMEA 0183 data message.

When used in a computer configuration, switches provide for bus address selection and interrupts IRQ2 thru IRQ7 are jumper selectable. Baud rates are switch selectable and can be programmed via the PC bus. Selectable baud rates include: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19,200 bits per second. Default data output is 9600, 8 bits, no parity, and one stop bit (9600, 8, N, 1). Table 3 (on the data sheet) defines the switch position for the available baud rates.